

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Body Is a Rose

Each form you see has its unseen archetype.
If the form is transient, it's essence is eternal.
If you have known beauty in a face, or wisdom in a word,
let this counsel your heart; what perishes is not real.

Since the springhead is timeless, it's branches refresh.
Since neither can cease, what is the cause of your sorrow?
Think of the soul as source and created things as springs.
While the source exists, the springs continually flow.

Empty your head of grief and drink from the stream.
Don't think of it failing - this water is endless.
From the moment you came into the manifest world,
A ladder was offered for your escape.

From mineral substance you became a living plant,
and later a roving animal.
Is this a secret?

Afterwards as a human being, you developed reason,
conciousness, faith.
See how this body has risen from the dust as a rose?
When you have surpassed the human state your angelic
nature will unfold in a world beyond this world.

Surpass the angels then and enter the sea.
Your drop will merge with a hundred seas of Oman.
Let go of him you called "son" and say, "one" with your life.
Although your body has aged, your soul has become young.

by Rumi